You are a ALL IN BOX user, this section is designed to bring you aid elements to use ALL IN BOX.

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·       Product Presentation :

The ALL IN BOX is a connected bait station that enables remote monitoring of rodent activity and bait consumption. This connected station was developed within LIPHATECH’s FABLAB. Its unique photo analysis technology, combined with its passage sensor, provides reliable information without false positives. The AEGIS.CONNECT platform provides access to all data from your connected stations and gives you an overview of rodent activity across all your client’s sites.


·       User manual :


Click here to have access to the user manual


·       Direction for use and warning:

-          ALWAYS EXERCICE the utmost caution when handling the connected cover.

-          ONLY USE CR123 Lithium batteries in good condition.

-          ALWAYS DISPOSE OF batteries in accordance with current regulations.

-          DO NOT drop loads heavier than 2kg above your station.

-          DO NOT play with the station (be careful to children).

-          DO NOT dive your station in a liquid.

-          DO NOT use a damaged station.

-          DO NOT alter/modify your station

-          WEAR appropriate safety equipment when preparing, setting or testing the station.

-          AVOID moving the station while it is in operation.

-          DO NOT handle the station while it is in operation.

-          ALWAYS ENSURE to turn off the station before any cleaning or handling.

-          THOROUGHLY CLEAN the inside of the cover with a dry cloth to allow optimal operation of the photographic sensor.

-          DO NOT unscrew the electronic card attached to the cover for sealing reasons, nor insert objects into the seals or into the transparent protective support.

-          STORE the station in a properly ventilated place and not expose it directly to rain or water jet.

-          STRICTLY FOLLOW the instructions and indications provided.


·       Environmental Conditions


Operating temperature : -25°C to +40°C.

This temperature range takes into account the protection of the battery and the sensors.



1 - How to install and turn on the connected ALL IN BOX ?

Pour une installation optimale des postes connectés, veuillez suivre les étapes ci-dessous :

For optimal installation of the connected stations, please follow the steps below :

1. Plug the hub (ref. 80016658) into a 220V power outlet. Ensure it is positioned high and centrally within the building (for multi-level buildings, prioritize the highest level) to allow for optimal site coverage and a good connection to the GSM network.


2. Choose the locations for the stations on the site and create them in the interface at


3. Open the station with the AEGIS universal key, place the baits in the designated slots, and attach the fixing cable. For the use of rodent baits, folllow the usage recommendations indicated on the labels of each product.


4. Press and hold the button located under the cover.


5. Wait for a rapid and simultaneous flashing of the ON and OFF lights (video to be added) : this indicates that the station has successfully detected the hub and is connected to it.


6. The lights will then flash 11 times at a frequency of one second. Close the station during these flashes and position it in the desired location.


7. A reference photo is automatically taken at the 11th flash and transmitted to the AEGIS.CONNECT platform. The reference photograph will appear on the site after about thirty minutes. For more details, watch the explanatory video. (add video)

2 - How to reset the station and retake a reference photo ?

Follow the steps below :

1. Reposition the station if necessary.

2. Press the button under the cover for 1 second.

3. Wait a quick and simultaneous flashing of the ON and OFF lights (video to be added) : this indicates that the station has successfully detected the hub and is connected to it.

4. The lights will then flash 11 times at a frequency of two seconds. Close the station during these flashes. The reference photo is taken after the 11th flash.

3 - How to turn off a station ?

Press and hold the single button until the OFF lights remains steady ; the station will turn off once the button is released.

4 - Where to find the serial number of the ALL IN BOX ?

Under the cover at the location of the electronic card.

5 - What baits can be placed inside the ALL IN BOX ?

You can use baits in the form of pastes or blocks

6 - Can a connected ALL IN BOX be moved ?


Before moving a connected ALL IN BOX, turn it off. Position it in the chosen location and turn it back on. 

Remember to make the location change on AEGIS.CONNECT.

7 - How to position the baits correctly ?

If you are using the vertical rods, it is preferable to place the baits on the 3 middle rods so that the photo sensor can analyse consumption most effectively.

If you are using the horizontal rod, place the baits in the middle of it and position it on the middle rail.

8 - What is the IP (Ingress Protection rating) of the connected ALL IN BOX ?

The connected ALL IN BOX has an IP rating of 54.

9 - Can a rat trap be placed inside the connected ALL IN BOX ?

No, as it would damage the photo sensor when it closes.

10 - Does the proximity sensor distinguish between rats and mice ??

Yes. You can find this information on AEGIS.CONNECT, where it will show :


·       The number of rat passages

·       The number of mouse passages

11 - What happens if there is a power cut ? 

You will receive an alert message to notify you of the loss of connection to the hub.

Once power is restored, the ALL IN BOX units automatically reconnect to the hub.


1 - Why I can’t create a PDF report for my client ?

1.       In a navigation panel located on the screen’s left, choose the site for which you want to edit the PDF report

2.        In the « Editing » tab (on top of the screen) click on « Generate PDF »

3.       Click on the « + » next to the site name

4.       Change some elements if necessary

5.       Remember to save (below the page)

2 - How to create a hub, station, trap or other connected or unconnected object in AEGIS.CONNECT ?

1.       Make sure that the following elements have been successfully created on AEGIS.CONNECT :

a-The client

b-The site to be protected

c-The building(s) and optionally their storey(s)

2.       For the connected objects (trap, station or hub), make sure to have their serial number(s) beforehand (SGXXXXXX ou PMXXXXXX or PCXXXXXX depending on the type of object). You could refer to the answer to question n°24.

3.       Position yourself at the chosen building or storey level.

4.       Begin to create the hub : in the Editing tab, select « Object Management ». On top of the screen, choose the number of objects to create and click on « go ». In the drop-down menu, choose « Hub », click on « go » and fill in the required fields.

5.       To create your stations or traps, follow the same steps : select in the drop-down menu the objects to create, as well as their number, click on « go » and fill in the required fields. Remember to provide the number of the hub they will be attached to.

In the case of a single object creation, in the Editing tab, select « Object Management ». On top of the screen, choose the number of objects to create and click on « go ». The map view opens with a creation panel on the right, by default the object type is « connected station », it’s up to you to choose the object you want to create, fill in the required fields, then click on « Validate ».

6.       You can also create non-connected objects : non-connected station, non-connected trap multi-capture, mechanical rat or mouse snap traps.

7.       Click on the « Save » button to finalize the creation of all objects.

3 - How to create a new user ?

To create a new user (manager or technician) from the homepage

1.Go in the « User » tab located on top of the screen.

2.Click on the « New user » tile.

3.Fill in the form specifying the clients or sites to which this new user will have access.

4.Remember to specify the type of email alerts they will receive.

4 - What order should I create my objects (stations or traps) in ? 

To create a new connected object, you must first create a hub by providing the serial number. Then, you can create new objects (stations or traps) attached to this hub.

5 - How many clients can I create on AEGIS.CONNECT ? ?

You can create as many client as you wish.

6 - Can I move a connected object (station or trap) to another site ? How can I do ?

·       To move a connected object (station or trap) to another site and to relate it to a new hub, you just need to right-click on the icon of the object to be moved, then click on « More information ». In the window that opens, click on the « Delete » button. 

Caution : Deleting a station will result in the deletion of all data that the station has already stored (photos, passage counts, etc.).

·       When the object (station or trap) is deleted, you can create a new one on another site or for another client.

7 - How can I ensure that the objects (hub, stations or traps) are properly connected ?

1.Plug the hub into the power outlet at least 10 minutes before turning on the stations or traps.

2.Turn on the station or the trap by pressing on the single button : the LED indicator flashes quickly.

3.When logging into the AEGIS.CONNECT platform, check that the « connection signal » icons located next to the objects are green.

8 - How can I trigger a snapshot ?
  1. Click on the station icon.
  2. Click on the « More information » button.
  3. Stay on the « Information » tab and scroll down the page to click on the « Trigger manual capture » button.
  4. A new photo will be uploaded by the hub in less than two hours.
9 - What do the reference photo and automatic trigger photo correspond to ? How it works ?

·       At startup, the ON and OFF indicators on the connected station flash simultaneoulsy eleven times, every two seconds. This period allows the applicator to position the station properly and close it. A reference photo is then automatically taken after the eleventh flash.

·       A new photo is automatically triggered every 24 hours and compared with the reference photo.

·       If there is a significant difference between the 2 photos, the snapshot (« automatic trigger photo ») is transmitted to the AEGIS.CONNECT platform. It allows to visualize changes that have occurred in bait stations or mousetraps.

10 - Where can I find the number of rodent passages in the station ?

In AEGIS.CONNECT, click on the station icon, then on the « More information » button. Choose the « Advanced data » tab. There you will find estimated of passages by species (rat or mouse) based on dates and times.

11 - Where can I find information about the number of captures by a CLASH ! trap ?

·       In AEGIS.CONNECT, click on the trap icon, the number of captured and battery status are visible on the right side of the screen.

·       For more detailed information, click on the « More information » button. Choose « Advanced data » tab : you will find the number of captures based on dates and times.

12 - I can’t download the plan of a building or a storey ? What formats can I use ?
  • ·       On top of the AEGIS.CONNECT screen, click on the « Editing » and then on « Building management » tab.  
  • ·       In the preview pane, on the left of AEGIS.CONNECT screen, select the relevant screen and click on the « pencil » icon next to the building for which a plan needs to be added.
  • ·       Click on the « Choose » button. The picture must be in JPEG or PNG format.
  • ·       Click on « Confirm » and then « Save ».
13 - How to activate or deactivate email alerts for consumption, captures and passages ?

·       In the « Users » tab, at the top of the AEGIS.CONNECT screen, select a user and click on « Edit ». You can then activate or deactivate the email alerts received by the user. There are three types of alerts :

1.Trigger alerts (captures at the trap or snapshot triggered at the station)

2.Activity level evolution (information related to the tracking of passage numbers)

3.Technical issues.

14 - Can my client have access to the platform ?

This is not possible, as specified in Article 6 of the AEGIS.CONNECT platform subscription agreement.

15 - As a manager or administrator, how do I read the dashboard ? How do I assign alerts to the technicians ?

·       The dashboard provides an overview of all objects (hubs, traps and stations) as well as on the maintenance or trigger alerts.

·       With manager or administrator access, you can assign alerts to a technician or handle these alerts by yourself.

·       With their access, the technician sees alerts related to the sites they are responsible for, as well as alerts assigned to them. They can then handle them.

·       For assigning alerts

16 - What does a change in colour of the object icon on the plan indicate ?

·       For ALL IN BOX connected objects : the icon changes colour automatically based on the number of passages recorded by the station.

1-      Green : the station works but there are very few passages.

2-      Orange : between 20 and 40 passages recorded.

3-      Red : more than 40 passages recorded.

·       Trap multi-capture CLASH !: the icon is green between 0 and 5 captures, it is becoming orange from 6 captured mice and red from 16 captured mice.

·       For non-connecting stations, this configuration is done manually by the applicator based on their observations in the field.

·       Regarding the exclamation point, it indicated the upload of a photo triggered automatically by the connected station. This means bait consumption or mousetrap triggering.

17 - What does the exclamation point appearing on the line of certain objects in the summary table « Object management » signify ?

In the « Status » column, an exclamation point appears when there is no communication (loss of connection, battery failure, central hub disconnected) with the station.

An exclamation point appears in the trigger column when a photo taken automatically by the connected station is transmitted to AEGIS.CONNECT. This indicated that bait has been consumed, a mousetrap has been triggered, or the passage threshold has been reached.

18 - How can I modify a site plan ?

1.Choose the relevant site.

2.Position yourself on the building or storey to be modificated. Click on the tab at the top right « Edit » then on « Building management ».

3.With the pencil icon you can change the plan by clicking on the « edit image » button. JPEG and PNG formats are compatible with the software.

19 - How can I integrate multiple storeys into a site ?

1.Choose the relevant site and building.

2. In the « Edit » tab, on top of the screen, select « Building management ». Click on the « + » icon then on the « choose an image » button to upload the storey plan. Choose where to insert it above. JPEG na d PNG formats are compatible with the software.

3. You can rename this new level by clicking on the pencil icon.

4.Click « Confirm » and then « Save ».

20 - How to enter a client’s address and coordinates ?

This entry is only possible if you have an « Administrator » or « Manager » account.

Click on the « Client » tab at the top of the screen, then on « + ». Fill in the required information.

21 - My client hasn’t provided me with a site plan to protect. How do I proceed to use AEGIS.CONNECT ?

·       For the exterior of the site, search for its address on Google Maps and take a screenshot. Then, embed this image into the paltform.

·       For the interior of the site, ask your client for a sanitation plan, or take a photograph of the premises’ evacuation plan.

·       To be integrated into the AEGIS.CONNECT platform, these images must be in JPEG or PNG format.

22 - When I renew the bait or reset the traps in my connected ALL IN BOX, how do I take a new reference photo ?

You can :

  •   Reset the connected station by pressing the multifunction button for 2 seconds.
  • Or, from the AEGIS.CONNECT. platform, select the relevant connected station (PC…) and click on the « Reset » button.
23 - Where can I find serial numbers ?

You will find serial numbers :

·       On the invoice

·       On the shipping carton

·       Inside the cover of the connected ALL IN BOX station and the trap multi-capture CLASH !.

·       On the label attached behind the hub.

24 - How can I recognise the type of connected object with the serial number ?

LThe two first letters of the serial number indicate the type of connected object : SG for Surigate (hub) – PC for connected station (ALL IN BOX) – PM for trap multi-capture (CLASH !).

25 - What are the steps to follow to activate the tracking of connected objects on the AEGIS.CONNECT platform ?

1.Create the connected objects on the AEGIS.CONNECT platform starting with the hub.

2.Place them on the plan you have downloaded, approximately in the area where you intend to position them.

3.Go to the site to be protected to position the connected objects in the appropriate locations. First, plug in the hub and then turn on the connected objects.

4.You can now adjust the position of the connected objects on the AEGIS.CONNECT platform and start tracking.

26 - I can’t see the reference photo of my connected station (bait placement or mousetrap armament photo)

This may be due to a brief network disconnection. Click on the « Reset » button to upload the reference photo. It may be take a few minutes before it appears on the AEGIS.CONNECT platform.

27 - I triggered a manual snapshot and still don’t have the photo after a few minutes, why ?

The station communicates with the hub every 2 hours to exchange various information : number of rodent passages, photo transmission, photo request, etc. If you trigger a manual snapshot, this one will be done and transmitted to the AEGIS.CONNECT platform upon the station / hub communication. The delay between your trigger request and the photo display is therefore a maximum of 2 hours.